Thursday, March 23, 2006

Central Park Coyote

The NYPD Emergency Service Unit captured and tranquilized a young male coyote on the south side of the 79th Street transverse near Belvedere Castle at approximately 10:00 a.m. today. The animal was first seen at 1:30 a.m. Sunday morning at the 66th Street Transverse and identified as a "wolf." Numerous sightings were made by the public since then.

(Parks Department Photo/ Daniel Avila)
Mar 22, 2006


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

You have a right to know

from PBS

"On this week's show, meet some ordinary people showing extraordinary courage in fighting government stealth and secrecy. They include two mothers who lost their sons in the Iraq War, a Massachusetts mayor with safety concerns about a local energy plant, and a retired Virginia couple who uncovered something very fishy in their hometown. Also, hear from a Republican Congresswoman who charges the White House is resisting Congressional efforts to keep warrantless eavesdropping in check."

"open government is good government"